Disability, SSI

Social Security to Remove Barriers to Accessing SSI Payments 

March 27, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Social Security Administration Logo

Today, the Social Security Administration published a final rule, “Omitting Food from In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) Calculations.” The final rule announces the first of several updates to the agency’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) regulations that will help people receiving and applying for SSI.

“A vital part of our mission is helping people access crucial benefits, including SSI,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security. “Simplifying our policies is a common-sense solution that reduces the burden on the public and agency staff and helps promote equity by removing barriers to accessing payments.”

SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness, and to adults aged 65 and older, who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits help pay for basic needs like rent, food, clothing, and medicine. People applying for and receiving SSI must meet eligibility requirements, including income and resource limits. Under our old rules, ISM includes food, shelter, or both a person receives – the agency counts ISM as unearned income, which may affect a person’s eligibility or reduce their payment amount.

Under the final rule, beginning September 30, 2024, the agency will no longer include food in ISM calculations. The new policy removes a critical barrier for SSI eligibility due to an applicant’s or recipient’s receipt of informal food assistance from friends, family, and community networks of support. The new policy further helps in several important ways: the change is easier to understand and use by applicants, recipients, and agency employees; applicants and recipients have less information to report about food assistance received from family and friends, removing a significant source of burden; reducing month-to-month variability in payment amounts will improve payment accuracy; and the agency will see administrative savings because less time will be spent administering food ISM.

The agency continuously examines programmatic policy and makes regulatory and sub-regulatory changes as appropriate. Look for more SSI announcements in the coming weeks.

For more information on the SSI program, including who is eligible and how to apply, visit Supplemental Security Income.

To read the final rule “Omitting Food from In-Kind Support and Maintenance Calculations,” visit Federal Register: Omitting Food From In-Kind Support and Maintenance Calculations.

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  1. Warren T.

    I still don’t understand how people that were able to draw unemployment got up to $800.00 per week to help which was more than a lot of the people ever made but yet the people that were on a fixed income had to tough it out. Considering that we only get benefits once every 28 or so days.

    • Angelic L.

      What I don’t understand is why Biden pledges $20 billion of tax payers money to support Africas health care system. Especially when our Medicare is running out of money. I’d rather see student loans forgiven to tax payers than $20 billion to support healthcare for another country of people who don’t pay taxes to this country.

      • LEIANNA R.

        I’d rather see Biden NOT do either! Paying off student loans causes deep resentment for those who paid their own off! Africa (and for that matter any other country) should make it on their own. WE ARE OVER BURDENED, AMERICA,

        • Rich

          AMEN Brother! Can anyone explain why the President of the
          us of A is holding his SOLUTION to the border crisis over us like a Carrot> Saying he will only implement his cure if we ratify his latest legislation? WTF Ya cant offer to DO YOUR JOB if you first GET YOUR WAY! This my fellow padres is BULLSHIT!

    • Ruth M.

      I agreed as a US senior disabled citizen. It seems individuals on fixed income get nothing, more than what the earned throughtout employment. This is very dis discerning and quite unfair.

  2. Rose S.

    I have legal custody of my grandson from birth. He is 14 and receives ssi. I was informed by the ssa that he was owed 7+ thousand dollars in back payments. It took a year for them to give him 2700.00 and I had to put it in a special account separate from regular payments. It is now going on 8 months and they haven’t issued any further payments for these back payments. What should I do ?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Rose. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. Based on your comments, it sounds like your grandson may have a dedicated account. Use of the funds in these accounts is restricted. You can learn more about dedicated accounts for children here. To speak with a representative about your grandson’s back SSI payments, you can contact your local Social Security office or call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.  

  3. Cindy G.

    My son applied for disability May 30,2023. It’s nearly a year. The problem is.. he told them.. that he does not want SSI. He just didn’t really understand. But the problem is.. his disability is.. that he was diagnosed being schizophrenic with godlike. So of course that is mental. Shouldn’t he have applied for SSI… instead of disability.. or can you get disability for being a schizophrenic. As I said May will be a year. So we need advice on how to straighten this out if it was wrong to do it that way and what should we do moving forward. And question? Could that be the reason that it has not went through yet. Thank you.. for reading this and for the response that you will get back. Cindy

    • Bradley

      Get a lawyer that specializes the SSI and doesn’t charge That’s what I did not over 27,000 paid them $7,000 toten $34,000 after waiting a year and a half

      • LEIANNA R.

        Brad, Your English is pathetic. Were you not taught how to structure a sentence In school?
        Become intelligent with your responses.

        • Geo

          LEIANNA R

          Usually people who correct other people like you did, are either Fat, Ugly or very insecure. Or all three…

        • Cindy H.

          You are a very rude and out right a mean person.

    • Angelic L.

      You want to apply for SSDI if he worked. Also he will have to have been hospitalized a couple of times. Apply for both SSDI and SSI hopefully he gets SSDI

      • Carmella F.

        What if I’m ?disabled since like June 2007 and only get SSI and can’t get a vehicle, missing appointments, and now homeless living in a tent, and paid my rent faithfully for like 7 years, never missed a payment but because I couldn’t get around and keep the yard and property clean , in a wheelchair and falling all the time, in there overfull septic tank running across the yard for a good 6 months or more,then me and my husband split up and then they decided to send me a letter saying that they were going to remodel and renovate it and i had to move out because they couldnt do the work with me there and they did not want to rent it back out to me, even after telling me that they would never go up on rent, from $400 from 2017 too last year up to $475 and still never missed one payment, wow what a way to treat the handicap, and now here Iam living in a campground in a tent Im so glad people worry about us people out here trying to survive and it’s just all about the all mighty dollar and no compassion or understanding or even care about what happened to us, and had to leave alot of my belongings because I couldn’t afford a larger storage building. Thanks Americans for caring about us on a fixed income and no one cares!!

    • S.D.

      Hi, Cindy. Thanks for reading our blog and for your questions. You may be getting our disability programs confused. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that makes payments to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are based on a worker’s earnings. To learn more about the differences between the two programs, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. Our definition of disability is the same for both the SSI and SSDI programs. To be found disabled, your son must be unable to work because of a physical or mental condition that is expected to last at least 12 months or end in death. You may find our Adult Listing of Impairments useful. For information about how your son can check the status of his pending disability application, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. To learn more about SSI eligibility requirements and to help your son get the SSI application process started, visit here. We hope this helps.

      • Sue L.

        Hi Sue, my name is also Sue!
        My question for you is this, back on November 15th, 2023, in Phoenix, AZ, my SSI appeal was scheduled for a telephonic hearing. I received the call at precisely the exact set time, just to be told by the ALJ’s clerk that the judge had called in sick, and they’d be rescheduling my hearing. Well, after hearing absolutely nothing from anyone at the SSA for over 6 months, I just now recently received a notice of my rescheduled hearing, and that’s not until the end of July, almost 9 months since the judge called in sick on my original hearing date! I would have assumed that they would have squeezed-in my rescheduled date very soon after the judge’s recovery and return to her bench, it really only seemed to reason that since at that point I had already been waiting for 4 years, that I wouldn’t be the one who had to suffer and pay for the misfortune of the judge falling ill on my hearing date, don’t get me wrong, I’m sorry she was sick, but if “I” was the one who failed to show-up, the result wouldn’t have been me putting her on the back burner for 9 months, come on! And that wouldn’t have even phased her, because she has plenty of food in her kitchen to eat, and all of the necessary utilities she needs, and well… in fact she has a gorgeous home…. and a luxurious car as well! So Sue, please appease me, and enlighten me on the related SSA policy & procedure for when a judge calls in sick, I must know!

        • S.D.

          We’re sorry to hear about your experience, Sue. We have forwarded your comments to our colleagues in the San Francisco region. You may want to contact your local hearings office and ask to speak with a supervisor. Your hearings office is in the San Francisco region, and you’ll find the contact information here. We hope this helps.

  4. Cass R.

    I want to know when will you stop making spouses that are not disabled responsible for for their disabled partners. Just because someone is disabled and getting ssi it shouldn’t be taken away because they fall in love and get married. They need to be able to still support themselves. This is creating economic and financial abuse on disabled people and it is not ok. Especially younger people that became disabled before 26 years old and are permanently disabled.

    • Kim M.

      Well said and I am glad you spoke up to those who are misinformed.

  5. Carol

    What paperwork is needed to file for widows payments?

    • LEIANNA R.

      The SSA website provides avenue to apply for widow’s benefits.

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry for your loss, Carol. Currently we do not offer an online application for survivors benefits. To schedule an appointment, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

  6. Heather T.

    I have been trying for a little help through state an SSI, for basically the last few years after having to leave My day job an night job because of being ill. I have went through everything they have asked of me. And still couldn’t qualify. Now this week I find out I’m in late stage heart failure with a leak! And I really feel like everyone failed me. I had to loose everything I’m living in a fithwheeler on property were I’m unwelcomed and have had to let my drivers license expire my tabs expire. And I have to file all over again? So basically I’m not getting help tell I’m dead! You need to make some big time changes to your medical (Blue Book)! I’m sick of seeing young capable men out there working side jobs while waiting for the ssi checks, while I’m here 3 years later having to start a new claim with nothing but a broken heart LITERALLY

    • Melba

      You must always file on your appeal to keepfrom starting from new application file appeal with out fail

      • Vickie D.

        What kind of an answer is that?
        Look at all this poor lady has been thru.
        Have some compassion!!!
        Don’t you think you could’ve been a little more helpful and maybe acknowledge her frustration with the situation?

        • LEIANNA R.

          Melba’s reply was correct. She is not uncompassionate, just informing what Heather has to fulfill to get a requested benefit. Stop thinking with your emotions and let some common sense kick in.

    • Judy F.

      That is so sad Heather, the way you have been treated. I do not know you but I just wanted to tell you I am Praying for you. There is so much power in Prayer. I hope everyone that reads your story will Pray for you.

      • Sherry C.

        You have to be illegal alien to get help. They have even shut my lifeline telephone off but illegals get 5000$ and a free phone when they cross the border. And that 5000$ is tax money us Americans have worked hard for, God is going to get Biden and his posse someday.

        • LEIANNA R.

          YEP Sherry, you are correct.

    • Callee

      I suggest contacting an attorney to file for you
      They usually respond faster and you’re more likely to approve you plus there should be no upfront costs for said attorney wants to get you approved they’ll take a small portion from your first social security check. I hope this helps

      • Ginger

        Make sure you get a reputable lawyer! I went that route yrs ago & lost because she wasn’t putting me as a priority!

    • Angelic L.


    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear about your condition, Heather. We pay disability benefits to people who have a condition or conditions that prevent them from working, or they’re expected to prevent them from working, for at least 1 year or to result in death. If you were recently denied for disability benefits, you may file an appeal within 60 days of receiving the decision. If you are outside of your appeal period, you can reapply for benefits. To learn more about how we decide if you have a qualifying disability and how we can make faster decisions, visit here. We hope this helps. 

      • Carmella F.

        I’m on SSI but could seriously use Disability Income to, rent is so outrageous here in Tennessee, me and my husband are homeless and living in a tent, it’s really sad the way landlords are allowed to treat people who have paid they’re rent faithfully and kick them out and no where to go or even care.

  7. Julie P.

    I want to know why I’m still on Medicaid. I’ve been told that after a few years of being on SSI that my Medicaid should have been switched over to Medicare. I’ve been on SSI since 2010 when should I have been switched to Medicare. If it would have been done years ago like in 2013 or 2014 I would have been eligible for some of that stimulus money. Which really could of helped me out from being homeless n in a tent like I am now. It seemed like to me that the only people who didn’t get or who was not eligible are the people that are on Medicaid n SSI. Every person that I talked to on SSI n Medicare got a stimulus check every month. Even the immigrants got a stimulus but American citizens on SSI n Medicaid were not eligible….
    Things that make u go Hummm!!!

    • Melba

      You should have filed your self for your Medicare 24 months after being on ssi you have to file some times ssa.gov will forget check in to that now

    • Geraldine J.

      My son became very ill in 2018 and he’s been on what SSI calls temporary disability he had two strokes he had a terrible infection and this is how it happened he had two strokes while he was in a coma from the infection and then when he did wake up thank God he was and still is today epileptic he loses some strength in using his right side his hand and everything is so he’s on four different medications for his epilepsy and I wanted to know the same thing he’s been on this since 2018 this is 20 24 and they still saying he’s temporary disabled what is that for why they come to that conclusion I don’t understand and he gets $140 for food stamps a month and before you know it because he was placed in supposedly permanent housing there’s one little refrigerator with 22 men in that house so he can only buy things that he can stick into the microwave and things you know other things was and that cost money so I’m buying his food about 2 or 3 times a month myself out of my income thank God I’m still working but I know I want to know when this ends like this get in like the other lady said she’s been on Medicaid all this time he’s on health first Medicaid and when is it going to ever switch over to Medicare

      • Kei

        Anyone on disability has a 2 year waiting period before qualifying for Medicare. It should automatically kick in. It goes by you date becoming disabled not your decision date. So I filed in 2014 but wasn’t approved until 2017 and they made the date for Start 2016. So in 2018 they sent me the information to sign up for Medicare.

        • Angelic L.

          I got Medicare six months after getting my ssdi. I had to call the SSA though and ask about it. Also when I did that I had to get into a special recovery service to get a QMB so I didn’t have to pay for the Medicare premium and so Medicaid would cover costs that Medicare doesn’t cover. Plus I get dual. Complete insurance with $287 health benefits extra help.

      • S.D.

        We’re sorry to hear about your son’s condition, Geraldine. Social Security pays benefits under two disability programs to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition(s) that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that makes payments to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are based on a worker’s earnings. To learn more about the differences between the two programs, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We pay benefits only for total disability. Benefits are not payable for partial disability or short-term, temporary disability.

        Regarding your son’s health insurance, if he receives SSDI benefits, he should have been automatically enrolled in Medicare after 24 months. If he gets SSI payments, he likely has Medicaid. If your son has questions about his Social Security or if you are his representative payee, you can call a local Social Security office to speak with a representative. Or you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

    • Sherry L.


    • LEIANNA R.

      At age 62 you should have been SELF ENROLLED in Medicare. After that the Medicaid status will take a secondary role for assistance.

    • S.D.

      Hi, Julie. Thanks for reading our blog and for your comments. You may be getting our disability programs confused. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that makes payments to adults and children with disabilities, and people 65 and older, who have limited income and resources. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are based on a worker’s earnings. To learn more about the differences between the two programs, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. If you receive SSDI benefits, you should have been automatically enrolled in Medicare after 24 months. If you get SSI, you likely have Medicaid. For more information about SSI and eligibility for other programs, check out Understanding SSI. We hope this helps.

      • Kim R.

        I Would Like To Know How Come My Dad That’s 90 Years Old Is Only Receiving $357.00 Dollars A Month For SSI, He Has Multiple Health Problems, Physically & Mentally, How Can I Get His SSI Reevaluate To See If He Qualifies For A Higher Rate Of SSI Benefits ?

  8. Bobbye M.

    My question is if a spouse was collecting her on Social security check,then her husband dies. Why do we have collect the one who checks was greater then hers? Why we can’t collect both, I earn that check, not for Social security to take my money an give it to people who didn’t pay into the system. I want my check an my husband checks, if they didn’t work,then they don’t get a check ok.

    • Melba

      Sorry does not work like you get one check pick one that will support for remaining times and quit being greedy you only work your time . You did not work for her time paid in.
      Pick or ssa will pick for you lesser

      • Vickie D.

        I can’t believe how rude and unprofessional you are Melba.

  9. Geraldine C.

    I would like to see the windfall and offset repealed , with all the money that is given to all types of programs why cant this bill be repealed ,I have been waiting a long time hoping each president would do this so far none have..
    I am a retired postal worker that cannot collect my deceased husbands soc. sec.

    • Melba

      Did you in any kind of way pay into his ssi or work as him to help pay into his socials security and if you are getting soc.sec your self your only entitled to what you have earned ssa will not let you be greedy it’s no longer his after death it revert back

      • Vickie D.

        I can’t even keep reading these….your replies are horrible. What gives you the right to call any of these people Greedy?

        • Judy F.

          Amen !

        • LEIANNA R.

          Just turn off your computer Vickie, you obviously have no common sense OR experience in practical life.

      • LEIANNA R.

        Rah Rah for you Melba. Greed is driving a ton of fraudulent applications and recipients.

  10. Martin L.

    I applied for my Social Security retirement benefits on March 9, 2024. I also applied for my Medicare retirement benefits about a month prior to March 9. There is some confusion as to additional documentation when I went to the local Social Security office. I retired from the government and Social Security office wants me to provide a request for employment information and this is part of the Medicare and Medicaid services. However, I want wanting to find out what my retirement benefit, monthly retirement benefit is going to be coming in from Social Security. It seems to be there’s some confusion between the two programs around the same time of filing. Please help.

    • Melba

      You apply for Medicare 24 months after your ssi but you do get sooner care until you apply for your Medicare 24 months later

    • S.D.

      Thanks for reading our blog and for your question, Martin. You can check the status of your retirement application with your personal my Social Security account or with our automated telephone services. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 and, at the prompt, respond “application status.” For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. If you still need assistance, please contact your local Social Security office. We hope this is resolved soon.


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