Welcome to the Social Security Administration’s Open Government Engagement Site
The purpose of this site is to receive input about additional SSA data that we should make available to the public. We invite you to add new comments and respond to existing comments. As a public site, you will be able to add new information and comment. Please review our current inventory of data on the Social Security Data Page to see the data that has already been released. Here you will find information on over 1,800 data assets. Background on this government-wide initiative is available at https://resources.data.gov/. If you prefer, please feel free to email open.government@ssa.gov with your ideas and comments.
How to use this community:
- Please review our Comment Policy
- When you are ready to add a new information, open the post
- Scroll to the bottom and enter your comment in the “Leave a Reply” section
- When complete, press the “Post Comment” button
Social Security Open Government Initiative
Social Security Data Page