
How I Navigated the Social Security Disability Process

October 19, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 19, 2015

screen shot of the faces and facts of disability page

I’m on Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). Okay I said it, and, I’m also very thankful for it. I might sound somewhat perplexed, because it’s all new to me and isn’t what I had expected to deal with in life. Yet, I am realistic and understand that “things happen” to all people.

You hear about the horrifying, multi-year process involved when applying for SSDI benefits. These stories are in the media and everywhere, but I didn’t have to pay close attention, because I never expected I’d need SSDI.

I’ve always strategically planned for the unexpected. I’m a former corporate vice president of operations and international business leader of more than 30 years’ experience. My husband and I, together, had a significant income, owned a home in a country club, guard-gated community in Southern California, and were extensive travelers, etc. Then, the season changed – unexpectedly.

In 2012, I started to show medical symptoms from an old auto accident that had caused a brain injury. I had difficulty walking, memory loss, etc. My neurosurgeon explained what was occurring, and that major brain surgery was required for me to continue living. My first brain surgery was performed in July 2012; my second brain surgery in September 2012; and between 2012 and 2014, I underwent five brain/skull surgeries. My husband became my full-time caregiver, and our financial safety net was all compromised due to my health.

With that said, it was time to apply for SSDI. Friends recommended that I hire an attorney, but I went directly to www.ssa.gov and read the disability application requirements, and felt strongly that I could do it on my own via the website. I wasn’t in the best mental state to tackle an extensive application (I was in between brain shunt implant surgeries), but, was determined to apply for SSDI to help exercise my brain. When I got to the site, I found the SSA disability determination website amazingly user-friendly! I was able to, independently, apply online with the easy step-by-step instructions.  When my mind needed to rest, I was able to save my information and, the next day, continue from where I left off.  I did everything online — not once having to step foot in a field office to complete my application; and I received my disability benefits in four months!

What a decision to make! I always said that if I could work through the disability determination process successfully on my own, I’d publicly share my story to assist others.  I continue to fulfill that promise every day, and as it turns out, I’m not an anomaly.  The risk of disability is larger than we think: A 20-year-old worker has a 1-in-4 chance of needing disability benefits before reaching full retirement age!  So, after 30 years in the workforce and contributing to the Federal Insurance Compensation Act (FICA), I sure am glad my disability insurance was there for me in my time of need.

Honestly, I get tired of hearing the negative stories about SSDI. It’s time for everyone to hear a good truthful story about the Social Security disability determination process and how it works in favor of claimants and truly serves the public.

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About the Author

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger


  1. Donna B.

    I applied for social security disability in Dec. 2016. In April, 2017 i was denied. They said they never received my records from my oncologist. Even though I called and called to make sure they had everything. have cancer and am getting worse. I applied for a reconsideration in May 2017. I called every week to make sure they had everything. I spoke to at least 8 different people and they all said to just wait that all is well and they would make a decision. I called again in September, 2017 and this person said she didn’t know what i was talking about and that they never received the reconsideration. I cried and I cried. I drove to Social Security in Frankfort, KY and thank god I had an acknowledgement letter that they received my paperwork and the person said, “I am sorry, we dropped the ball” but we will get right on it. 10 days ago, I received a letter from social security saying they did not receive a form and this is the same one they didn’t have in September and I drove to the office and handed it to them. Today I get a call that said they still never received my paperwork so I will be denied. I have lost everything, went without eating a few days and spent the summer without utilities being on several times. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

  2. Leslie J.

    Yeah whatever, I have been fighting for over 7 damn years and I have had 2 hearings, 2 attorney’s and have not only been jerked around by the government, but also a few idiot doctors that don’t understand my disease. The whole system is corrupt and wrong!!!

  3. Gail D.

    Actually I’m a Master’s Level Social Worker who had a very bad accident. I have lesions in my brain, fractured spine, nerve damage, (my arms lose sensation through my fingers) I wear a back brace every day for the rest of my life. I have a non-cancerous tumor on my T-12.
    I know how to do applications 1st hand. I can’t reach my arm more than 15° Due to an extreme impingement. Which I had suregery on 9/11. The SSD DR said I could do over head reaching and I was denied I worked for 30 years in appeal they are horrible

  4. Cathy

    I do not know , at age 62, if my disability should turn into social security retirement from ex-husband of 25 years, 63, recently retired & also on ssdisabity.

  5. Kevin

    I’ve been going through issues over the last 5-6 years. About 6 years ago I woke up to EMTs in my bedroom. Appearantly, I had a major seizure while sleeping. During that seizure I completely dislocated me left shoulder. A trip to the ER and a CT scan showed I have an arachnoid cyst on the right back of my brain about the size of my fist. I had it my whole life and never knew. Also, enlarged ventricles indicated hydrocephalus.
    Well, after a few different neurologists, I found one thatfound one that wasn’t set on only one certain medication. We tried a few and found one that worked… for a while. Upping it only gave me signs of overdose. So, she added a second med that also helped with my depression.
    After a LP (not fun), we found out I had twice the normal pressure. So, they decided to fenestrate the cyst. That surgery was a bust. My cyst filled up faster than he could work with. And, in the process messed up my cerebellum. After that surgery I had no balance.
    A couple weeks later I woke to an massive headaxhe and leaking csf from incision. So, of to surgery and set up to get a VP shunt. Still major issues with balance.
    After another month without improvement to balance, I was sent for balance therapy. Therapist told my wife not to get her hopes up, that I’d probably never walk again. 4 month later, I’m walking….
    Everything was better for a year, only minor seizures from time to time. Minor migraines.
    Then I started showing signs of harder seizures. I wake up confused, dizzy, migraines, unusual anger, nausious, etc. The checked my shunt – working. They upped one of my meds. That helped a bit for about a year. Now it’s getting bad again.
    My neuro was suprised I wasn’t on disability years ago.
    My wife is pushing for me to go for disability now that things are getting bad.
    But, I’m still working. I’ve worked ever since I was 16. Now I have a family to support. I can’t just up and leave my job. So, I show up and put on a show. I do my work to the bare minimum. Sometimes even faking it. I work at a prison, so my wife has concerns. Especially on my bad days. I’m basically a drunk (balance) insomniac with anger issues. I already have a restriction from my neuro to work at night due to it being less hectic.
    My thing is; how do I go from working to trying for disability. I know I shouldn’t just quit. But, if I’m working then it’s taken that I can work. So, do I try to get restrictions to the point were I can’t medically perform my job and they have to let me go.
    I really can’t work previous jobs — factory work, forklift/ warehouse jobs, waiting tables.

    • R.F.

      Hi, Kevin. The Social Security Act sets out a strict definition for disability. We pay disability benefits to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. However, if a person thinks that he or she meets our definition of disability, we encourage them to apply for disability benefits when they become disabled. Also, a person may still be eligible for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program if they work. However, their earnings cannot exceed a certain amount. This is called the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit. In 2017, the SGA limit is $1,170 per month (or $1,950 for blind applicants). In addition to the amount of money you make, Social Security may also look at the number of hours you’re able to work. Please visit our Disability Planner web page for more information.

  6. monny

  7. Camie

    I have my hearing in two weeks and am nervous. I cant believe how quickly my application got a hearing. Im hoping to get approved before the date. The emotional ride is heart wrecking. I have intellecual disability, biopolar 2, panic attacks, PTSD. I was denied initial 5 months later. So i got an attorney for my reconsidertion and got denied again 4 months later. In june of 2017 i odar got my request for hearing. At the end of september i got a court date for october. It been 11 months since my first application. I see therapust and phsycharist every week for the past year. Plz pray 4 me.

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    • Lore Y.

      I’m pleased by the manner in which ssa-blog-dev.materiell.com covers this type of subject! Usually to the point, often polemic, without fail well-written and also challenging.


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