COVID-19, General

Commissioner Saul Communicates to Congress about the State of Social Security Services

April 26, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: April 26, 2021

A photo headshot of SSA Commissioner Andrew SaulAndrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, wrote to key members of Congress to raise awareness of the resources Social Security needs to recover from the ongoing pandemic and improve service.

“Since becoming Commissioner, I have focused our actions and our resources on efforts to improve the service we provide to the millions of people who turn to us for help. I have been clear in my budget requests about what it takes to improve service and maintain the integrity of our programs: both additional frontline staff to help people now, and information technology (IT) investments to improve our future,” said Commissioner Saul.  “2021 is a critical year to shape the agency for post-pandemic success, but our resource constraints will delay our recovery. I appreciate President Biden’s support of our needs with his FY 2022 budget request of nearly $14.2 billion for us, which is $1.3 billion more than what we received this year to operate our agency. No one anticipated the duration of the pandemic and the ongoing challenges it presents.”

For the full text of Commissioner Saul’s letter, please read our press release.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Concerned

    The office in Andalusia is a joke and He needs to be replaced.. point blank..

    • A.C.

      Hi. We are sorry to hear about your experience. You can submit feedback by visiting our Contact Social Security page. Once there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email A Question to our Support Team” form where you can complete and submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this helps.

  2. Natalie

    My grandson received the first 2 stimulus hes on disability now they telling him he doesn’t qualify

  3. Marla T.

    I agree with all the comments. Seniors have been the shaft. POTUS (Johnson) started borrowing our SS monies. We were doomed. How about some of our representatives living the life of Riley. I’m 67 yo & I’ve worked since I was 12 by baby sitting picking up returnable coke bottles , mowed lawns, @18yo & got real job working was never fired. I was on the ground floor of working with computers even writing code, & codes. All I want is what we all worked for. But social security could care less. Things have got change. Whew I feel butter. ?

  4. Nikki

    The way Social security has been running upon , and creating laws even in none social security … Matters legislation and Judicial corruption…. The “interior motives”…of government and their infiltration offenses ….corrupt also…for all persons Seniors- retirees, Disables ….and person of Native American – indigenous… ( The “new” plans of interior motives is to discourage “applicant-person” …instead of attacking the “public assistance programs & offices”…… For persons abuses of programs offered ) instead of attacking this State office.

  5. Suzzy F.

    I really think the way the Social Security Administration has handled the data transfer to the IRS for stimulus payments has been poor. That delay has caused financial hardships, especially for those on Social Securty Benefits, who needed the money the most. Hopefully, there is light at the end of the tunnel soon.

  6. Katrina M.

    Why You Didn’t Give IRS All The Information On People’s Who Get Social Security And Veterans. A Lot Of Use Still Waiting On Your Third Stimulus Payment

    • Verna D.

      The reason why he held back social security information is because he feels that we do not deserve to have the stimulus money this is his thinking. Everyone is entitled to the stimulus money including us I don’t know who he think he is but let him try a trick like that again.

  7. Cheryl W.

    I really think that the Commissioner misspoke about helping Social Security recipients…first of all, I have worked since I was 18 years old, and am now 72 yrs of age…not one time have I taken a break in my work career..I started paying SS from my paycheck from the yr of 18…my point is, SS is not giving me anything, that is my money anyway, and what was taken from my check each payday, the company I worked for matched my contributions (Columbia Gas Transmission-30 yrs-6 mos../ Georgia Ports Authority- 21 yrs-3 mos/-National Bank of Commerce- 3 yrs- all of those yrs worked was in Information Technology)…so before you make broad statements to make it appear as though you’re giving me a freeby, set the record straight for all of those who have worked and paid into the fund…example: if $400 a month was taken from my salary, the company matched the same amt meaning that $800 a month was paid into SS for me…also, SS is a separate fund from the government budget and the fund draws interest…the problem is, gov’t keeps borrowing from the fund and not putting the borrowed money back…set the record straight Commissioner, that’s is our money anyway…then the other issue is, you want to tax SS checks when we retire and start receiving SS….I consider that Double Taxation…??

    • Jab H.

      Cheryl W is correct – it is our money we put in, that we worked hard for, so give us what we put in, and that was agreed on.

  8. Brenda

    Social security. Need s. More. Of. The. Covid. 19. Money.

  9. Michael O.

    Scrap the ‘cap’.

  10. John S.

    This svrewd mess definitely needs fixing?? Ive jumped in front of a car in 2012 and my leg went out December17.2019 and move as i can

    • Usa t.

      If anything changes it’s him being let go with the new reform of this waste of control in accounting. They clearly do not make sense with low income being lead to old greedy men and bigotry. Idiots are running this into the ground.aa a native American you all can get the hell out.

    • Debra s.

      I feel they out raise are income sense a single person on ssi or ssdi when it comes to finding a place to live with a disability . metro housing don’t give u much time to find a place or u got pay a fee to apply for housing and if u don’t make 1500 or more places won’t consider ya for place. They say u don’t make enough. I appreciate what we’ve already gotton in stimulus packages we’ve but that wasn’t enough to help one of us only making 814 month . I’m still not caught up on my debts . it’s like Rob Paul pay Mary situation. I can smack in with prices of food gas rent electric trash phone insurance already going out rages . a low income family is going to have give up. Because we’re never going to ever get above water. While rich gets richer and poor either gets deeper in debt or starves or looses there life’s from not being able afford crap. I barely can afford food prices phone medical supply I need and I need find a place live but consistent told sense I don’t make 1500 or more I’d not able afford the cost living. Well when’s the day s.s.i or ssdi ever going to get a nice raise to help us be were we can pay for housing everything we need or . is that y world getting go he’ll because no one cares for disabled people.

      • Dallas J.

        Amen I’m on said and I barely making it. No help. I’m stuck

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