COVID-19, General, SSI

Commissioner of Social Security Shares Update about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries

April 4, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019.

Treasury, not Social Security, will make automatic payments to Social Security beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will receive these payments by direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits.

For updates from the IRS, visit their web page.

Note for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients:

We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information on their web page when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Ryan M.

    Thanks for the update! was really worried bout my business cause of corona, but now Jing Stock is safe I guess

  2. Heather

    I get Social Security Income and my husband gets Social Security Income and Social Security Disability and don’t have any kids under 17. And we have Direct Deposit and that is the only income we have and still we have not received anything and they tell us we don’t need to do anything i have a friend who has gotten her’s and she gets direct deposit also on that Direct Express card and she has no kids eather i can not find anything out at all need help and the 2,400. Can you help

  3. Carol

    I’m a Payee Representative, my brother is Payee. He hasn’t received any stimulus check yet and people we know already have.
    Is this a discriminatory Problem or what?
    Disabled, worked for his retirement now. Had a stroke , could not absolutely work anymore. Doesn’t Disabled people matter?
    Govt controlled Drs already for the chronic pain patients who need help Matter too!

    • V.V.

      Hi Carol, thank you for your question. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. To help you quickly and easily determine whether you need to take any action to receive your Economic Impact Payment, or a payment for your qualifying child, check out the step-by-step instructions on the Social Security and Coronavirus web page:

  4. Thomas

    As a Social Security benefits Payee, I have not received a check yet…May 6th,2020 I have direct deposit at Chase Bank. Wheres my check? I need help also. It’s not on that either! Need help Now

  5. Carol S.

    I don’t file taxes. I receive SSA via direct deposit. Please advise regarding my stimulus.

  6. Salena G.

    I was told that SSI reciplent will receive there stimulus check on May 6th but some people saying that if you get your benefit on direct express they want allow you to receive it you would have to get it through mail IS that true.

    • William

      Anyone recieving Social Security, SSI, and SSDI will recieve there stymulus, the same way they recieve there benifits.

      • Lesa

        Ok another question concerning this. I receive ssdi and ssi. I am paid through my bank for ssdi and on a direct Express card for my ssi. Do u have any idea which way my stimulus payment will b processed?

  7. James D.

    We have been receiving social security retirement checks, but have not given out our checking account number to the IRS, e.g. for direct deposit. When will we receive our COVID 19 stimulus checks?

  8. Michael V.

    I didn’t file taxes and I get SSI payment, I have no dependents, and I’m curious as to what exact date, if I am to be getting one, will I receive the stimulus, if by mail or direct deposit?

    • Kk

      The IRS website says early May in the Q&A for SSi you will get your money the same way you get your SSI payment.

  9. danielle m.

    Still waiting direct express card ssdi

    Comment below if u dealing with same

    • Angela

      Same boat as you. Ive been looking for answers but cant seem to get any

    • V.V.

      Hi Danielle, thank you for your question. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. To help you quickly and easily determine whether you need to take any action to receive your Economic Impact Payment, or a payment for your qualifying child, check out the step-by-step instructions on the Social Security and Coronavirus web page.

      • Angela

        Vonda ive done all of that. Its says take no action. We we told we would receive ours by late april yet status still unavailable on site. I am qualified and its very frustrating that i cant get an answer. I receive ssd.

    • Mike

      Same here

  10. lorrainebaca555 ..I did not receive the stimulas check for my 2 grandchildren that I have custody of…

    • V.V.

      Hi Lorraine, thank you for your question. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. To help you quickly and easily determine whether you need to take any action to receive your Economic Impact Payment, or a payment for your qualifying child, check out the step-by-step instructions on the Social Security and Coronavirus web page.

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