Changes To Past Relevant Work and Disability Determinations
Reading Time: 2 MinutesLast Updated: July 15, 2024
In fiscal year 2023, more than 1.8 million people applied for disability benefits through Social Security’s two programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Until recently, Social Security required adult applicants to provide their work history going back 15 years. That’s because the inability to work is key to Social Security’s definition of disability.
In general, Social Security finds adult applicants to be disabled only if they have a severe medical condition that either prevents them from doing any substantial work for at least 1 year or is expected to result in death.
Based on this strict definition of disability for both SSDI and SSI, it’s not surprising that Social Security’s disability application focuses on a person’s illnesses and injuries, limitations, treatment, and work history.
But recalling the details of 15 years of employment – job titles, duties, dates, etc. – can be a major challenge. At the Urban Justice Center, our clients often struggle to provide accurate information from their past. To improve their work history narrative while their disability application is pending, we routinely help them to update and clarify information about their previous jobs.
Thankfully, Social Security recently published a new rule that reduces the period it considers when determining whether a person has past relevant work (PRW).
Effective June 22, Social Security began considering work going back 5 years, not 15. In addition, work is no longer relevant if the job lasted less than 30 calendar days.
You can read more about changes in the disability evaluation process in Social Security’s press release.
Decreasing the relevant work period from 15 to 5 years will make it easier for people to accurately report their work history. The reduction also makes sense given Social Security’s recent efforts to modernize the vocational policy that is used to make disability decisions. Research indicates that certain types of skills – namely, “manual” skills – can significantly deteriorate in 5 years.
The PRW changes will reduce the time it takes for applicants to fill out Social Security’s work history forms. This is a small step to simplifying the disability application process. Social Security also benefits by receiving better quality information earlier in the evaluation process.
Ultimately, millions of people applying for disability should see a reduction in processing times.
Our posting of this blog does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any non-Social Security organization, author, or webpages.
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Tags: Disability, social security, SSI, supplemental security income
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Mark H.
Have a question on the topic rather than use this platform for political comment like the others on here.
Does the new rules apply to SSI and SSDI applicants currently in the process? Or do they only apply to new applicants?
Hello, Mark. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. Beginning June 22, 2024, when determining past relevant work, we will review only 5 years of past work. For more information, visit our How We Decide If You Are Disabled page and read our guest blog. We hope this information helps.
Hope SS survives our nation’s financial crisis coming due to big spending cuts because the U.S. does not have enough money to pay off debt, so U.S. will default on debt, then U.S. will have much lower credit rating. Congress will have no choice but to drastically reduce government spending to stop further debt increases.
Amen!! You said it All!!
Thanks for Social Security and Social Security SS-DI for those who are honestly 100% disabled. Those persons who remain totally disabled by honest evaluation methods certainly should be supported by the SS-DI that they are supposed to get from their contributing to SS funds. I do hope we can improve SS and that we can actually protect SS from the temptations from some to get on SS-DI when they really can work. We need total honesty from anyone on SS-DI when they first apply for benefits, and total honesty as they continue to be evaluated for further benefits as time moves and conditions change, improve allowing for return to full employment, etc. Thanks goes out to those who are honest, and also to the government employees who correctly handle all these SS-DI claims.
Ben S.
SSDI need to end their ongoing civil rights violations over communication barriers to access against the neurodevelopmentally disabled / autistic community.
Enough with your genocide based on ignorance.
These are outdated neuroracist policies that literally kill us.
You have been told repeatedly how to redress my grievances but insist on your broken systems. So redress my grievances here.
Reducing the period of work history so a person can remember his work history is stupid when you consider the SSA has your entire work history which is needed to see if you are insured, having worked 5 of the last 10 years (generally).
The only purpose of this so called initiative is to lead people to believe the government is “doing something”. More effert should be placed on making the trust funds solvent since they are drying up in 10 years.
Totally agree with everything you said. The application process is two time consuming. Apply for a Social Security disability is not a government handout is something that we’ve actually have paid into as long as we’ve been working. It’s a shame that they give us such a hard time to collect something that we actually put our money into when we need this benefit. What really bothers me the most is how the government can give illegal immigrants money on a card every month, and they never worked in this country a day in their life. But we as Americans who have paid into the system, have to fight and hire lawyers to get something that we’ve paid into when we need it.
R m.
100% Agree with everything you stated.
Amy B.
Educate yourself on illegal immigrants asshole. It is the white wealthy UPPER CLASS paying them shit wages for shitty jobs elitist white people refuse to do. Use your brain before you make stupid statements about illegals when it’s wealthy white men stuffing their pockets off the backs of the vulnerable desperate poor people trying to feed their fucking kids.
Guymax O.
This is only 1 potential repercussion scenario, dozens more lurk in the shadows!
I have one simple but likely messy paperwork issue for some current SSDI RECIPIENTS as well as future ones. Which group of 5 years will they be evaluating? Most recent? What about the higher income sustained in years prior to that whereas one’s total income in the original 10 year calculation might exceed or at least come very close to maximum benefits. In other words why can’t the recipients PICK the 5 best earnings years for an average benefit amount? In some cases it might adjust to mere pennies but for others a substantial windfall might ensue. Ha ha
Willie b.
What being denied because you’re disabled with less then 40 credit and ssi lie and state you totally disable because disabled veterans
The w.
Racist much against white people?
Money isn’t guaranteed to anyone.
Not even the deserving disabled.
You can work all your life and struggle until you are gone. Hate doesn’t get very far .
Racism and reverse racism makes me sick!
Sonja M.
I Totally Approve and Agree With Dana’s Comment ??
Marcie P.
The government does NOT “give money to illegal immigrants every month.” Every individual who applies for Social Security or ANY other government benefit MUST PROVE that they’re either a citizen or a LEGAL RESIDENT ALIEN (green card). Uninformed people like you always seem to have opinions about everything that they know nothing about. Try educating yourself before spouting off about the ways the government works that you know nothing about. You could start with the official government websites that end in dot gov. All the information you need is there.
John C.
I couldn’t have said it any better this is so so so very true I worked over 30 years paying into SS and it took me 2 different lawyers and 2 plus years to get approved. We need to stop giving money away to illegals. Period
Totally agree I’m in a wheel chair and they still haven’t approved my disability situation and yes worked my whole life and paid in my money that I need to collect now not next year or when I’m dead.
That’s horrible and it’s a travesty! You deserve and need your benefits!
My T.
I couldn’t have said it better! That was exactly what I said when I was filling out my SSDI application back in 2006. Why do I have to give you something you already have? I paid into this system through my employment!” I also think that the “re-vamp” of the rules “making it easier to apply” is another way of making sure that social and economic stratification stays in place. As long as there is poverty, inequality and an increase in the need for government assistance, the original plan made way back in history, keeps the rich white men in power, the same ones who have turned democracy into a political clown show!
Ellyn U.
And, the government is the reason it’s drying up. If they would put back all the money they have “borrowed” from it might last 50 more years. I’m saying all the years they taken from it.
Joshua E.
Id agree …of all the years ive worked and i tell you what i am vurrently fighting for my life from my loval governement officials and though im eilling to work i am being judicially forced into staying home.they took my drivers liscence and i seriously dont see where they actually think the family in need checks came from in the first place …that was our money and this is our government…and to think i cant even work for my own government ..well newsflash your suppose to be working for me and the average lifespan upon becoming disabled im judt saying it dont add up …and i paid child support before being placed on this illegal violation of my constitutional rights order ….this is a crock….and another thing….theres countless government profiles and persons in army navy you name it that are fake…fake accounts and fake pictures to go with ..this is money rackateering and like i said i want all of you fired and all these fake made up human beings subpoena to a fair court where they dont use ai and computers against people that could never stand a chance against such…i need a lawyerto pursue these people all theway to the top …i do not for a second comply or agree with anything but getting rid of yall your all fired and not my government i never voted for one in the first place and consider all you thieves a threat no matter what your dang uniform has wrote on it..give me bavk my liscence…and i aint paying dss for using our money to take care of my kids they took from me ever!that wasnt dss money and that support didnt come from yall…it came from us….all of it!and your salaries…so your fired and thats suppose to be my right as well…simply put your full of crap all of you…big facts …anarchy would be better than fighting yall to survive on every level…im not scared to do away withall of yall and let it work itself out in the streets….its alot more less dangerous if we didnt have any law or gov if you ask me…period
Jerry M.
This move is only to make our Social Security money more available to SS thieves and liars. Another move by the illicit Biden administration to let people steal our SS money in exchange for their crooked votes for Biden and Marxist Democrats. They just cannot stop weaponizing government agencies and government employees to buy votes for Biden.
Most people getting SS-DI benefits should not be getting the benefits at all. They lied and cheated to get the benefits, and they continue lying and cheating to keep getting the benefits that we who who paid into SS funded with our money. SS-DI will soon be eliminated due to the corrupt people soliciting the benefits as government employees, and because there will not be any more money left in SS to pay anybody any benefits. The USA is now a totally corrupt society full of totally dishonest thieves.
SSI and SSI-DI must be completely eliminated. Every person getting SSI or SSI-DI could be performing some type of work. We only need to provide the specialty jobs for these people. They could be productive workers instead of sitting at home getting fatter and unhealthy, which will cause tax paying citizens to have to pay for more health care due to idiots and Marxist government employees living off taxpayer money, and off our SS money.
It is near the end of time for all welfare programs, SSI and SS-DI checks and benefits. Crooks and government employees have run the programs into unrecoverable debt due their willingness to be dishonest and their crooked promotion of welfare benefits, SSI, SSI-DI, and SS-DI. Time has come for all welfare type programs and benefits to STOP, PERMANENTLY. EVERY PERSON IN THE USA, EXCEPT NURING HOME PATIENTS COULD PERFORM SOME TYPE OF PRODUCTIVE WORK THAT WOULD BENEFIT SOCIETY RATHER THAN SUCK ALL THE MONEY AWAY FROM THE TAX PAYING CITIZENS, AND FROM OUR SS FUNDS.
Dennis Q.
I think you would agree that the ‘nursing home patients’ are also part of the problem. Trump should cut them off too. Most of them, if not all of them could get some kind of job instead of being ‘victims’ of how old they are or their lack of mental or physical health. For them to be living on my tax contributions! It’s all part of the Liberal/Biden/Marxist agenda that is going after my kids inheritance. If they didn’t make enough money in their lifetime to support themselves in their old age, why should I give them money that has been in my family trust for generations! Trump has a plan to put all the old poor people on buses to Indian Reservations in Oklahoma! They should learn to live off the land be responsible for their own survival! Some might not make it but God will sort that out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
One day you will be old and infirmed and if you don’t have the entitlement trust funds that you talk about now, who will pay for you. Go walk into a nursing home and see what these people have to live like. It isn’t pretty. If you think people choose to be in a nursing home you need an education. There have been many people who enter a nursing home as private pay, their funds are drained until they have nothing. If you are so callous to believe that a human being should be thrown out on the street because of inability to pay after paying a lifetime into the system again again you need to get you facts straight.
Jerry M.
You are the ignorant one. I know more about nursing homes on the tip of one of my fingers than you will ever know about nursing homes and assisted living facilities. There is a whole lot you do not know about what goes on with crooked deals patients, families and nursing home owners pull to take advantage of tax paying citizens, SS contributors, and welfare programs that are paid for totally by us tax paying citizens.
Lance D.
I don’t know if you have any brain cells based on your comments. Many of our seniors have paid into SS their whole life. It’s not their fault that the money was not managed properly. SS is a benefit that is earned by working. If you think you have enough money saved then donate your SS check to a charity and help our seniors and veterans pay for housing and medication.
Jerry M.
Correct. Many nursing home patients and families have lied, cheated and misrepresented incomes, assets, family incomes so they get on Medicaid, SSI, SSI-DI rather than paying for their own care. You are very right; there is no justification for the government, or nursing homes, to take your money that was earned, saved and invested by you and your family. Everybody must learn to support themselves and save for their own needs and wants. We do not need anybody in USA who wants reparations, welfare benefits, SSI, SSI-DI, SS-DI, or any kind of government assistance paid for by the few of us actually paying income taxes, which is only about 50% of the U.S. citizens.
We must start in the schools; that is where a lot of the problems are now because children are taught to be racist, biased, to believe the government owes them welfare benefits, free Medicaid, government jobs, reparations, and free student loans. We must have private schools where the public school money follows the child.
We must eliminate all forms of SSI, welfare benefits, government assistance while we are getting all our factories, plants, money, workers, small businesses, companies, investors, investments, retirement funds, benefits back into the USA to GROW the MIDDLE CLASS enormously. There should be jobs that everyone can perform, even jobs designed for the handicapped and disabled. Most nursing home patients need care but nursing homes could be designed to have productive job participation enterprises that support our economy as well as the nursing homes. Same thing with assisted living facilities. We need to eliminate Medicaid.
This propaganda. This is taught in private school sectors which also revieve welfare which categorized as subsidy from all of the tax payers. When have your colonizers and zionist earned anything . They murdered, stole, lied,cheated to get what they have and still benefit from it. BIGOTRY. . You try to rule and overseer every nation. Falling at a glance. No worries the top will start climaxing to the bottom and the bottom will take its rightful place. Stop degrading people who really need some assistance. Trump will put all of the citizens in place and this country will surely become dark, poor. and desolate
Yeah, Jerry let’s eliminate Medicaid and SSDI so that people with fucking CANCER, like myself, can just go ahead and fucking FIE already, right?! I mean, once my company terminated me & I lost my health insurance & private disability insurance, I should’ve just gotten my lazy, lying ass back the fuck to work, right? I mean, I was sure living the high life! Know exactly what the fuck & who the fuck you are talking about before you let your little troll fingers type out words in a public forum! You are a fucking disgrace!
You should not be getting SS-DI or Medicaid. If you can write all your nonsense like you did, then we know you are only trying to cover up the fact that you really could work at some type of productive job to earn your own living. And, you could pay for your own health insurance, as you should be doing, just like everyone else who is cheating tax paying citizens out of their money because they choose to act like they cannot take care of themselves by working.
I think he was being sarcastic.. I think lol
You are apparently 12 years old. It certainly sounds like it!
Love it!!! All so true!
I know ppl like this and I hope they get caught!
You need to educate yourself about SSI which is welfare and SSDI which is what people work every day and pay into SSDI is not a free welfare money it’s Social Security that one has paid in just in case they live long enough to draw Social Security or they become disabled
Thank you Coll for educating the ignorant and or missed informed. Facts matter over ill informed options. Thank you again for sharing facts.
Thank you Coll & Carter.
Nothing is simple, black& white, all or nothing. Things aren’t always how ignorant people believe. I am likely ignorant about many things. Purposeful ignorance is what disturbs me.
I owned & operated a Small business. I paid my 2X SS to government as my being employer & employee. I didn’t pay it for my future( I was young and not concerned with SS). I did it as it is the law & I am law abiding. To my dismay , I learned MANY Others in my field of work were/are paid under the table by customers. I kept my entire business services in line while respecting every law & code. I held insurance in case there was an incident my business would be responsible for. It was the law. In return for respecting myself, running a high quality above board respectful business, I was able to select cliental that respected my work & paid me well. I taught classes.
Point is,unfortunately I became extremely permanently disabled. To have any quality of life, I needed to close my business. A couple years into my health struggles, I applied for SSDI. Within 8 weeks the detective on my case called me asking if SS could use all the many years of a declining health history/ pattern & current multiple diagnosis that were not noted in my application. Yes.My first check began a couple weeks later. For decades now, SSDI looks into my current health to update my status.I always mark that I woukd work or learn new trade. I do not sit around getting fat. I adjust my level of activity for as needed for quality of life and my health. My SSDI doesn’t even cover my OOP disability healthcare costs.
The people in my past field of work who did/ do not follow the rules to report income and respect governing laws and pay SS, well they could have made a more respectful income for themselves. They might qualify for welfare- like programs( or already were!!) I never thought I would have longterm health issues.
I was able to volunteer on my terms ie, frequency, position, time. I volunteered in community programs about 2x/mo. I took leave for periods of health setback treatments & recoveries.
My living situation changed and I needed temporary assistance for rent, utilities, food, etc…. I never thought I would be homeless ( I left extreme abusive spouse) I stayed with family. EX spouse doesn’t pay me as he is a cheat financially, but hid it from me. I paid off his bills, taxes,fines fees.
I am now on my feet. Still disabled , still on SSDI, over age 60 . Aside from SS & Medicare, I am independently financially stable.
I don’t think I am the only person that could tell that story. Part of my struggles do translate into poor editing when speaking out.
Jerry M.
We know that SS and SS-DI are part of the SS program where we have paid our money into the SS system so we can be eligible for the benefits, as established by laws.
But, understand that many, many people lie, cheat and misrepresent their physical and mental capabilities to cheat the systems. Most SS-DI recipients do not need to remain on SS-DI, probably should not have been deemed eligible or qualified to start with. The systems are just made of lazy, crooked-minded persons to take advantage of and STEAL our money.
So what’s your point.
People who seek free benefits, or any benefits from the government programs, are the ones who will take anything they can get free, whether they are honest about their physical or mental conditions or not. They are the people who look for ways to live off the government and the tax paying citizens of the USA, so there must be better methods of determing whether a person is honestly disabled, limited in capacity to perform some type of work. Very few individuals are actually disabled, or limited in their ability to work, to be receiving government or SS benefits due to disabilities.
Mark H.
And why should we believe you? Because you said? You can claim you know but your shooting off your mouth doesn’t make it true! Come back with verifiable facts or stay away
Jerry, you are such an angry, negative person.
The person who yells the loudest is, more often than not, guilty of the thing they are screaming about.
Khaleesi T.
I don’t think you understand how SS works. A person’s SS benefits is accrued from their years of working and PAYING SS taxes from THEIR OWN WAGES! They aren’t stealing anything from anyone and you should be ashamed of propagating such lies. If anyone is trying to steal SS benefits, it’s the lying Republicans that have been “borrowing” from it and using it for things it wasn’t intended for.
Paul M.
You do know it was a Democrat president and Democrat congress that raided the SS trust fund and placed it into the general budget. Please get you facts straight before you look like a total fool, again.
No that’s not true and I am a Republican but it was President Reagan that took money from the Social Security Administration and never paid it back
Jeff E.
You’re crazy. It’s the democrats that have been stealing from the social security fund for decades. You’re either stupid or a liar. Or both.
And why does everything have to come down to Republican and Democrat there’s good and bad people bad people do what bad people do the Social Security Administration has laws to protect the Social Security fund so instead of speculation and try to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes you never know what’s going on with somebody make it safe for everyone I’ve worked with people that should be on disability because they live in a land of Make Believe and thank everybody’s out to get them or they’re not getting what everybody else gets and all of that crap get a grip on reality not everything is a Democrat or Republican issue the Social Security administration’s got a pretty good grip on what goes on
Karen b.
Thank u! Ugh can’t believe some of the previous comments! Awful.
Cheryl D.
Sounds like they need to get there shit straight about social security they must have not worked much I I have worked all of my life and i payed social security yes I do believe there is a lot of people out there that don’t need it but who’s to judge you don’t no the circumstance or the reason
Jerry M.
They are lying and cheating, misrepresenting their physical and mental status to use the SS system to live rather than working. That is, clearly, STEALING. There is no way anyone getting SS-DI or SSI-DI can be trusted to be honest in representing their physical and mental capabilities. Almost 100% of the recipients can perform physical tasks well, and they can function as normal persons with mostly normal mental capabilities. Schools, families, government agencies, government employees, dishonest churches and pastors have grown a nation full of illicit lying and cheating individuals who have been taught it is acceptable to lie, cheat and steal to get whatever they want without doing anything for themselves. We can see that around us all day long anywhere we go in the USA now.
What hole did u crawl out of,u know nothing about anything,so shut up and go to work
Bruce S.
Get a life, dud…er…dude. You know nothing about which you speak. There is a very ardent process that a person has to go through to qualify, including a physical to access a person’s physical and or mental capabilities. Also, the initial approval rate is only 38%! So, those who get it have truly EARNED it. In addition, just like YOU, they have paid into SS during their working lives, so they just get it earlier if they are not old enough yet for regular SS payments. Also, they will receive less benefits when they do reach their age point. Further, this has nothing to do with Biden or politics.
Jerry M.
You did not earn anything. It is easy to tell you are one of the SS-DI, SSI, SSI-DI, welfare benefit stealers. You are a member of the illicit, lying cheating club of Marxist-Socialist who should not even be allowed in USA, much less allowed to get any benefits from SS, SSI, welfare programs. Go to work. You will have to work to eat and live in the USA soon. The money for welfare and freebies is gone and will not be coming back because the few of us who are actually paying income taxes are not going to pay any more taxes to support you freeloading jerks.
Bruce S.
Get a life, dude. You know nothing about which you speak. There is a very ardent process that a person has to go through to qualify, including a physical to access a person’s physical and or mental capabilities. Also, the initial approval rate is only 38%! So, those who get it have truly EARNED it. In addition, just like YOU, they have paid into SS during their working lives, so they just get it earlier if they are not old enough yet for regular SS payments. Also, they will receive less benefits when they do reach their age point. Further, this has nothing to do with Biden or politics.
Freddie B.
Yes, it’s people who’s on subsecurity. That’s not enough money for anybody to live off. Though you gotta chance, pay your rent and get put out. Landlord know when you get in a race so they go up on your rent. People up the road in New York and Detroit. They move in diamond South Carolina. Because a check go to a bank. That is, Westsouth Carolina will fugo. They get all that money. They go back-and-forth up there, go to the Doctor. But the check is a lot of money cause they live up to the road. South Carolina then got nothing you pay. 1 or 2 bills and you broke that leads people to go. Borrow money and go open app account credit loans and stuff so they can make it. You don’t have 5 paid rent. I don’t have enough to pay my power bill. So I have to go stand in this line for a couple hours so I can get my power bill paid then if I paid the power bill. I don’t do all the rent. I’m getting behind Nikki. Add-on late fees and everything I think it’s unfair. The people who’s in the senate, whatever subscribed office? I need to come and live in Ashu. I bet they can’t handle. I’m running like we can handle bills and they still have money put in the bank. Thank you.
Jerry M.
Work and earn money, then you can pay your rent, buy your own food, cars, clothes, etc. rather than steal from SS, SSI, welfare programs, tax paying citizens, U.S. Government.
A H.
I hope you never wake up with a stroke or some other disability. Then you will see what it is really like not to be able to go to work because you have to wait for someone to help you out of bed.
Craig A.
I totally disagree with your comments. I have been P/T since 2016 and had to go back to work because I was denied benefits, because during the ten years I didn’t work, I collected a check for $1186 during that period, so I didn’t qualify. Then my psychologist told I had to leave job because of my disability. Now the come up with this rule after I am collecting regular benefits at age 62. So don’t call me thief because I spent 20 years defending this country.
Jerry M.
Defending the country has nothing to do with the fact that you are dishonest, illicit and cheating the government, SS, SSI, welfare systems, tax paying citizens by lying, cheating and stealing to get benefits, checks, etc. when you know you are plenty capable of working and earning your own living rather than stealing from those of us who are paying the income taxes. Lying and cheating is not acceptable no matter whether you have served our country. There are plenty of dishonest persons who supposedly served our country honestly.
So you think anyone on SSDI is lying and cheating the government? That’s hilarious
Your comments are filled with compassion. You are what makes America great again.
I love FOX news too! Why think for yourself? Let those with an open mind do the work. Regurgitation rules!
Jerry M.
There should not be rules, and there should not be dishonest, illicit people, but people are dishonest and they are liars when it benefits themselves.
Get bent loser. You and your Russian trolls can enjoy defeat at he hands of Ukraine and NATO. Fascist scum.
Jerry M.
Don’t call people names. You are a welfare sucking idiot. We have way too many welfare sucking idiots who lie and cheat in our good USA now.
D S.
I got to say it Jerry M your a first class asshole,
Ryan Z.
You sound unhinged. Perhaps you qualify under a mental listing.
Jerry M.
All you Marxist-Socialist Communist welfare suckers want to say somebody is unhinged when you are faced with the fact that somebody knows you are a liar, cheater and dirty person because you have stolen SSI, SS-DI, welfare benefits, etc. We can put you on a cotton farm where you can hoe cotton all day long seven days a week for a living. That would teach you respect for those persons who do actually work and pay taxes.
The W.
Sounds like you are a hard worker behind a keyboard with a good ole beer in your hand.
My dad paid more taxes than you Jerry M! You are the kind that wears a wifebeater shirt while you don’t have a clue
that your wife is with John Redcorn?
SSDI is a program that has been paid into by the person applying for it. There is NOTHING free about it. Social security puts these disability people through rigorous screening. If your condition will result in death then you are disabled. If your disability prevents a person from doing substantial work THEN you are disabled. Get your facts straight. From the uninformed general comments you have made it is clear you have no idea what these programs are and what it take to actual get these benefits. Yes, benefits, SSDI is a program a person has already paid into. If you work, and heaven forbid were hit by a car, and you brain was scrambled to the point that you were unable to connect A to B, and you applied for disability, social security would put you through the same hell they put anyone that applied for this benefit. Also try and live on a few hundred dollars a month. You probably pay more for your phone bill than these people who receive this benefit. So before you bad mouth someone who has nothing, put yourself into their place. Karma happens!
Lia R.
Agreed!! This dude is talking out his ?
Jane d.
Your an idiot
No,your the idiot,he knows what he talking about,why would you call him a idiot,look in the mirror that’s the idiot
Robert C.
First off most of the people commenting on here are misinformed and or wrong in one way or another on both sides of these arguments. Now with that said some of the people commenting on here are just plain ignorant, load mouth, idiots!!!! Honestly just shut the he– up!!! Everybody who work, gets a pay check and has taxes taken out of it pays into SS plain and simple. So if get accepted for SSDI benifits it’s because you have meant the prior years of employment paying into SS requirements and have been evaluated by in most cases multiple Doctors and have been diagnosed with some form of physical or mental incapability which makes it either impossible or extremely difficult for you to get and maintain employment, FACT!!!! So people collecting SSDI benifits are not in anyway what so ever thieves, FACT!!!! NOW I WON’T TALK ABOUT ANY OF THE OTHER NUMEROUS SS OR LOW INCOME PROGAMS OUT THERE BECAUSE THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO DO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THOSE PROGRAMS ALL THE TIME, FACT!!!! Now as far as the government and which side has done what when it comes to SS I mean seriously it doesn’t even matter because they’re all lieing crooks on both sides ( Blue and Red ) alike!!!! The real problem with SS honestly comes down to one main thing and that’s how the funds are handled because they are supposed to be used and or invested in different ways to incur growth so there are continually going to be more then enough to handle whatever and however many people end up needing them for whatever reasons. But here lies the real problem when it comes to SS insolvency. The average yearly interest made off of those billions and billions of dollars that come in from tax payers every year is only barely around 2%!!! Yah that’s it 2% absolutely rediculous!!! Makes no since at all when you can make more interest then that individually on a personal savings account from a regular bank. So let’s get the facts right here when it comes to what’s really wrong with SS and that is who in the he– can only make around 2% growth when they have billions and billions of dollars at their disposal to invest???? WOW I BET NOT TO MANY PEOPLE COMMENTING HERE HAVE EVER CONSIDERED OR PROBABLY EVEN KNEW ABOUT THAT BIT OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION WHICH IS ALSO, FACT!!!! So why don’t you all ponder on that before all the stupid figure pointing!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!
Very well said, I couldn’t have explained it better myself.Now that’s someone that knows what he is talking about.?
Sherri B.
I have an inherited genetic mutation. REGARDLESS OF YOUR OPINION, I am unable to work. I would love to still be working because the amount I get from SSDI is Pennie’s compared to when I was able to work. Maybe you shouldn’t lump all of us in your opinion.
Ben S.
I can’t even gain access to these systems due to all the barriers to us.
Literally have ongoing first amendment violations over this. Yet the FCC and DOJ never respond beyond “No merit”
Screw you, we have rights to barrier free access. Phone calls, in person, ridiculous password requirements with changing passwords, forms with character limits that count space as a character.
It’s all ADA violations that they fail to redress. The ACLU blamed me for their communication failures due to their barriers to access. The fucking ACLU violates neurodevelopmental communication rights. Think about that. The ARC? Our supposed voice at the FCC per them? Again, failed to communicate and doesn’t even know the WA state chapter is a part of the national chapter… Useless.
Lena C.
Would you consider our Military Heroes injured at war within these categories that you so vehemently spew hate and disrespect towards? What about those who suffer from the ill effects of chemical additives in their water supplies that were never told of them until some several decades later that now suffer egregiously? Would you kind Sir or Madam also demand that they too get jobs?
Sir/Madam I would kindly request that you stop to take a look at the monster in the mirror today who may someday in the very near future become one who is in need of either SSDI or SSI if (God forbid!) anything catastrophic were to happen to you or your entire family!
May God have mercy upon you and the unsolicited ignorant rantings that you have made a fool of yourself with.
I forgive you without your ever having to ask for it.
Kyle M.
Go back to your bingo, you sweaty little nutsack gremlin.
“Something something SS-DI MaRXiStnThieveS!!111” lol
You sound so silly and angry that it’s impossible to take you seriously.
I c.
Wow! Thank you for your commentary! I am disabled and get SSDI. I didn’t cheat or lie to get my benefits THAT I WORKED 35+ years to have available for this exact reason, in case I become disabled and can no longer work full time to support myself! Btw, I even work part-time to supplement the measly unlivable amount of money I get just to survive at a piss poor poverty level! I STILL WORK! Thanks but no thanks for your thought process because unless you have the absolute data to back up your claim, it’s no more than an assumption with no validity. Ever heard the saying “walk a mile in another man’s shoes!”
Ellyn U.
Not everyone on disability is a fraud or own it because they want to cheat the government. Some are truly unable to work.
Cheryl C.
You have no idea what your talking about,until you yourself have had such severe pain,awake most of the night from pain, crying and depressed every day of my life wishing I was dead,putting my family through hell,caring for me,and I worked my whole life until I became disabled,so stop judging other people when you have no idea what that person is going through.
Daniel S.
Stop it,the people collecting SSI,Have paid into it that’s why the checks are for different amounts, the more that you worked and paid into it the more you get if and when you become disabled,you guys need to think before you put your thoughts down.and just because your not disabled,and you still have to get up and go to work, don’t get mad at us some day you can stay home to and watch cartoons.
Edith J.
Not every person can work to the dumbass saying everyone on ssdi and ssi I take care of my handicapped brother and I work my ass off with my on going cancer treatments, my brother has the mentality of a 3 year old (was born like this) in a wheelchair cannot extend his arm or his back barley can use his right arm cannot talk cannot extend his legs right did not complete education through special ed was aged out of school at 26 his conditions are corneal Delang syndrome and sever cerval palsy but you think he can work wow most people in his shape are in nursing homes, but yes he does need his money no doubt, if you want to stop the bleeding take at look at what nursing home charge to there patients and the shitty care they received but the government will pay those nursing home 10000 plus a patient but when they not in there only 1000 isn’t it better for these people who cannot function be kept at there houses verses the government sending nursing home and pay them a bit more to reside at home, honestly been working since I was 14 and now I have cancer been finding it harder and harder to do any work myself but accepting to some we don’t need any money like a 1000 bucks is enough for the shit you need, costs us well over that just to have gas to go to medical appointments that are well over a hour away
Angela H.
Sir I am sorry that you feel that way. I am a disabled person, I have a disease of my spinal cord and two types of arthritis. I did not ask for any of this. What you are proposing will literally kill millions of disabled people. I worked until I couldn’t and still tried to work.
I did not lie and cheat as you seem to think.
People literally die waiting on a disability decision. I hope and pray that nobody in your family has to go through this. You stated that only nursing home patients should have access to benefits. You forgot that we also paid into the program. I was a long distance trucker. I worked 70 hour weeks to feed my family. This little bit of money has kept me from being homeless on the streets.
This is still America and we take care of those who can’t take care of themselves.
Deborah R.
I cannot even get help while I am lying in bed dependent on my husband while he not only works from home but he has to do everything around the house too but we MAKE TOO MUCH
Deborah R.
I am not fat and lazy either just because I am in bed. I have Multiple Sclerosis and have had it since I was 24 in 1997
Ben S.
OMG this. Yet it’s somehow $40,000 below the cost of living….
D S.
When I had my Disability hearing, the person said there were no jobs available for me, yet I was denied. I had 4 doctors document my inability to work, yet I was denied. I had an attorney. Fortunately, my appeal was accepted, but the same judge is not going to overturn the first denial. In both instances, the judge’s verdict was entirely based upon assumptions which were completely not true. Then, the attorney wanted to take it to the Supreme Court for $3000 which I didn’t have. I will never ever trust our government. This was an injustice I try so hard to get over.
Fake news. You can not appeal a hearing decision. You can only refile the claim again.
Mary B.
Even so, a co-worker’s husband had to refile 4x before was accepted. I understand there’s a lot of fraud out there but that’s ridiculous!! If 4 docs say you’re disabled enough for SSDI, that should be good enough!!
That’s not true either You must go through the appeal process first before the assign any additional court gearings about a redetermination. Those are the appropriate words used in this case to describe what exactly you are talking about…
And you can refile as many times as you like. I am glad someone did educate the man about SSDI and SS. THOSE of us that work and have worked most of out lives have paid into to FICA. That is where our money comes from. It is matched by our employer. We have to work so many years to have enough quarter’s to qualify for all the benifits. So, if you worked 2 yrs making min wage & you get hurt, your probably won’t be getting SSDI, but you might be able to get SSI. So, when people say they are living off my tax dollars, not really. Those that get SS & SSDI are living off the money they paid. Oh, your amount is based on how much you made over the years. I once worked for SSD.
Hi, Gene. Thanks for reading our blog and for your comments. If someone disagrees with a decision we’ve made, they have 4 opportunities to appeal: reconsideration, hearing with an administrative law judge, Appeals Council review, and action in federal district court. For more information, read our publication, Your Right to Appeal the Decision Made on Your Claim, or visit our Appeal a decision we made webpage.
donna h.
The democratic law judge took my grandaughters with 9 qualifying conditions under SSI rules for children with disabilities because she goes to public school with and IEP and special ed services and medication for add and adhd he called every body a liar including the 2 doctors they sent her to as well as the case worker at school the counselor the special ed teacher her homeroom teacher me the caregiver and would not allow my youngest daughter to come in as a witness to testify on her behalf as to her every day real life outside of public school he said he found everyones reports and statements including the caregiver testimony unpersuassive meaning the didn’t believe anyone was telling the facts and truth called us all liars. And denied her on appeal I could not pay for an attorney to appeal it to the federal level and now they want me to pay back $13,000 because they went back to the date they sent the letter that stated we no longer find your child disabled under our rules. Because I made them keep paying her benefit on her reconsideration appeal and the law judge appeal why why because the democratic judges are paid to take it from the children that are disabled with every qualifying condition they could have under ss rules and give it to the illegal immigrants and their children coming in this country. They will give a criminal a court appointed attorney at no charge based on indigency to represent them in courts but they will not give a child one that they take their benefit from that is paid by the taxpayers of this country that they pay for not the government and they don’t ask the taxpayer to be at a hearing to show them the evidence and proof of disability or let them vote at the poles to keep paying the child but they can and do take it from them that they don’t pay it and don’t cost the US government a dime and block you where you can’t sign back up once back pay builds up because it says this dependent is already receiving ssi benefits no she hasn’t since novemeber 2024 this is July 2024 you call for an appt and they tell you that it will be nov 7th at the earliest wow after the election. What do you do? Your child does without that is what and can’t have the funds to send them to public school, buy clothes, shoes, or gas because they don’t bus them they say you make to much for free lunch and breakfast well I don’t know how when I draw $941.00 a month SSI disability from a terminal illness ends in death. AND NO NONE FROM THE DEMOCRATS TO THE REPUBLICANS is doing nothing about it nothing to get these childrens benefits reinstated and you can’t afford to pay an attorney to represent them and then they block you where you can’t sign back up. President Biden is why the children and now adults are getting their benefits taken that are entitled under ss rules and giving it to the open border illegals he has let over 13 million in this country in 3 years and 8 months while they get food stamps, medicaid, disability their children ssi a debit card hand to hand even in a childs hand $35,000 each soon as they come through the gate at the border, free cell phones, mortgages, loans, free housing, hud, section 8 and every government benefit they can sign them up for that they are not entitled to not being a citizen of the United States, putting the veterans out of hotels in New York, Washington DC, and all over this country so the illegals can live there free putting the veterans on the streets in tents homeless no where to go and them fighting for veteran’s benefits that fought and served our country for our freedom that is what they been doing to everybody every situation for over 3 years with Barrack Obama being in his 3rd term and Biden being the puppet while he runs this country and pulls the strings and now trying to assasinate their political opponent because they couldn’t bankrupt him, they couldn’t send him to prison, so now they putting hits on his head and trying to assasinate this country is in deep trouble if President Trump doesn’t get reelected to get this country back from the demoncrats that couldn’t get the presidency back for 33 years and the powerful seats that came with it and they have no intention of giving up that power or that seat and nobody is helping the american people and the one that is trying they trying to kill him. God have mercy on your people and God bless America.
Khaleesi T.
Oh, that liar and thief is going to prison. He’s the one that created all of this hate and division when he was in office the first time! He’s a criminal and should not even be allowed to run for president!
Seems M.
All criminal charges have now been dismissed. Because they were bogus to begin with, get out of your echo chamber, your brainwashed.
U,know people hear what they want to hear,then they speak and remove all doubts
Angela H.
First of all Biden has nothing to do with your child losing her disability benefits. I bet you live in a red state. The new Commissioner under the Biden administration is finally doing something to help fix the agency. Project 2025 is talking about removing tens of thousands of federal employees and replacing them with people who don’t know what the hell they are doing.
Staffing shortages and other issues plague the agency. You should have reached out to your elected officials a long time ago. They can help if you call them.
We’re sorry to hear of your experience, D. Sapoint. On June 22, 2024, the agency published new public guidance and instructions related to the Occupations List used in our disability evaluation process. We will only consider the most relevant occupations when determining if someone applying for disability benefits can perform other types of work. For more information about these recent changes, read our blog. We hope this helps.
Are claimants from prior to this date 2023-before, grandfathered into this new process? Or just who files after June 22, 2024?
Absolutely! For those of us with 100% total and permanent mental health disability (even if determined and verified by the VA), the SSDI process is too complicated to navigate. Classic Catch 22: if you’re sane enough to complete the process, you’re not disabled; if you’re not sane enough to complete the process, your claim is never considered.
A false equivalent. VA disability is nothing like Social Security disability.
Mary B.
Sounds like a problem you 2 gov. agencies need to figure out!
Ben S.
It’s literally ongoing 508c ADA title 2 and first amendment violations over ignorance of our genetically distinct race of neurology.
It’s neuroracist policy based on laws put into place in 1996 when the first major research was 1997. The FCC is well aware of this, has released statements years ago, yet director Rosenworcel has at least 20 failures to redress our grievances from me over literally hundreds of violations ongoing to this day not being redressed.
Hi, Mark. Thank you for your service. Social Security’s disability requirements are different than those for other government programs, including disability compensation for veterans. We do offer expedited processing of certain disability claims for military service members. If you have a VA disability compensation rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T), you may be eligible for expediting claim processing. To learn more, visit our Military & Veterans page. If you need assistance with your disability application, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.