Can I Keep This Benefit Payment?
Reading Time: 2 MinutesLast Updated: July 16, 2021
Social Security is with you through life’s journey, securing today and tomorrow for millions of people. We know that reliability and dependability is an important part of your financial security. We use the same throughout the month eligibility rules for the first month’s Social Security check through the last month’s check, so it’s easy to know when checks are payable.
If you meet all the requirements to receive benefits, Social Security pays your benefit after you have lived throughout the month. At 62, the first month many people are eligible for benefits may be in the month after their birthday. Social Security follows an English law that says you actually reach your age the day before your birthday. So, if you were born on the first or second day of the month, your first month of eligibility will be your birthday month. If you were born on any other day in the month, the first month you could be eligible to receive benefits will be the month after your birthday month. When starting benefits after age 62, people are eligible to be paid for the month they file, since they were previously age 62 throughout the month.
For example, if Michael is born on June 1 or 2 and is age 62, he is eligible in June, and the first month he will receive his benefit payment is July. If Michael’s birthday is any other day in June, the first month he will be eligible for benefits is July and his first benefit will be paid in August. If Michael starts benefits at age 63 and files in June, he can be paid for June in July.
Benefits are always paid the following month for all types of Social Security benefits including retirement, disability and survivors. This does not apply to Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Being eligible throughout the month also applies to the month of death of a Social Security beneficiary. To be eligible for the payment, the person must have lived all month long to receive the payment that comes the following month. That includes throughout the entire last day of the month. Your survivor may be eligible for a payment for the last month and should contact us at 1-800-772-1213. For information about applying for survivors benefits, visit our Survivors Benefits page.
Understanding how the benefits are paid gives you a sense of certainty about your payments.
You’ll know how to plan when starting benefits and what happens to the last check. We continue to secure your today and tomorrow by providing the Social Security information you need.
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Tags: Disability, retirement, retirement benefits, Social Security benefits
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luis p.
Will I receive a payment for Nov
Unfortunately, and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot answer your question at this time. Please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later during the day or later in the week. Thanks.
M. T.
My green card, legal resident status, will expire soon. I will not be living in the US. AM I still eligible to receive my benefits which are paid into a US bank account?
Hi Marlene, thanks for your question. Even though you have direct deposit into a U.S. bank account, you are required to report your change of address to Social Security.
Our publication, “Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States”, explains how being outside the United States may affect your Social Security payments. If you aren’t a U.S. citizen, you must meet one of the conditions for payment described in this publication.
You may use our Payments Abroad Screening Tool to see if your benefits will continue indefinitely, stop after six consecutive months or if certain country specific restrictions apply.
We also recommend that individuals planning to leave the United States visit our Office of International Operations home page, which provides additional information for our customers living abroad. We hope this information helps!
beverly a.
I just was approved for disablilty. When do I get medicare?
Thank you for your question, Beverly. Individuals can become eligible for Medicare benefits after they receive disability benefits for 24 months. We start counting the 24 months from the month they were entitled to receive disability, not the month when you received your first check.
Imogene B.
I received an SSI check on 10/1/18 that I don’t believe is for me. I am on regular social security and that payment amount went into my bank on 10/3/18. How do I let someone know so the SSI payment can go to the correct person if it wasn’t supposed to be for me? I never got a notice in the mail that I would be getting two checks in October.
JoAnn M.
i received an amount of $225.00 in my checking account last Friday. I have no idea what this payment is for as my regular SS check arrives on second Wednesday of the month. Can you please explain what this deposit is for?
libby d.
I’m 4 years divorced of 19years. I’m trying tonget disibility social security, and of course was diened. My ex retired 4months ago, I’m only 53. Is there anyway I can draw from him now?
Thanks for any advice, grasbing at straws
Gerardo R.
Why am I still receiving benefits id I got a letter in the mail stating, I no longer qualify due to having employment?
Hello Gerardo. Unfortunately, and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot answer your question at this time. One of our representatives should be able to provide you with an explanation. Please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later during the day or later in the week. Thanks!
Gordon w.
When will my social security money be deposited next ?
Sharon K.
I now get my check on the 19th of the bills all fall the first of the month. is there ant way I can change my date to the first Wed. this would help me to get my bills payed on time. Thank You
Hi Sharon. Unfortunately you cannot change the date you receive your benefits. If you were receiving or applied for Social Security benefits on or before April 30, 1997, or if you receive both Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you will receive your benefit on the third of the month. If you receive only SSI, you will receive your benefit on the first of the month. If you applied for Social Security benefits after April 30, 1997, the birthday of the person whose record you receive benefits under determines your payment date:
Date of Birth Payment Day:
1st through 10th Second Wednesday
11th through 20th Third Wednesday
21st through 31st Fourth Wednesday
Go to Schedule of Social Security Payments for the current payment dates.
After a beneficiary turns 18 does he loose his monthly payment? If he continues school does the money go with him?
Hello Roanne. Unmarried children can receive benefits if they are younger than age 18 (or up to age 19 if they are attending elementary or secondary school full time).
Our Frequently Asked Questions web page and our publication: “Benefits ForChildren With Disabilities“, provide more information on this topic. Thanks!